HHP Medication Safety Watch


Welcome to HHP Medication Safety Watch. Each month we'll provide links and information about selected medicines and health products from the full FDA list of recalls, withdrawals, and alerts. This can help you stay informed about potential problems with prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, and health products you may use to treat illness, ease pain, or relieve bothersome symptoms.

August 2024

  • male enhancement/energy products (contamination)

July 2024

  • pain reliever (missing label)
  • dietary supplement for pain relief (contamination)
  • dietary supplement for pain relief (contamination)
  • panic disorder/seizure medicaion (incorrect dosage)

June 2024

  • sunscreen (contamination)
  • oral health products (contamination)
  • male enhancement supplements (contamination)
  • potassium supplements (not dissolving properly)

April 2024

  • male enhancement supplements (contamination)
  • hand sanitizers (contamination)
  • antibiotic (possible contamination)
  • metabolic disorder treatment (discoloration and reduced potency)

March 2024

  • male enhancement supplements (contamination)
  • antibiotic (incorrect dose)

February 2024

  • eye ointments (contamination)
  • infant vitamin D (dosage error)
  • male enhancement supplements (contamination)
  • antifungal spray (contamination)

January 2024

  • cough syrups (contamination)
  • supplements (unapproved drug)
  • ADHD/narcolepsy medication (labeling error)

December 2023

  • anesthetic spray (contamination)
  • anti-seizure medication (faulty packaging)

November 2023

  • antifungal spray (contamination)
  • children's pain and fever relievers (instability)
  • eye drops (contamination)
  • dietary supplement (contamination)
  • male enhancement supplement (contamination)
  • transplant rejection medication (crystallization)
  • cancer medicine (contamination)

October 2023

  • dietary supplements for arthritis (contamination)
  • hundreds of over-the-counter products (storage violations)
  • nasal sprays (contamination)
  • blood pressure medication (possible contamination)

September 2023

  • dietary supplement (contamination)
  • kids' mouthwash (contamination)
  • antifungal medicine (contamination)
  • transplant rejection medication (crystallization)
  • ulcer medicine (contamination)

August 2023

  • eye drops (contamination)
  • heart medication (labeling errors)

July 2023

  • asthma inhaler (incorrect dose)
  • birth control pills (impurity and stability)

June 2023

  • medications for poor appetite and bipolar disorder (labeling errors)

May 2023

  • pediatric cold medicine (packaging error)
  • multiple medicines, both over-the-counter and prescription
  • pain relief products (storage violations)

April 2023

  • multiple medicines, both over-the-counter and prescription
  • male enhancement supplement (contamination)
  • fentanyl (documentation)

March 2023

  • hand sanitizer (contamination)
  • eye drops (contamination)
  • eye drops (possible contamination)
  • blood thinner (impurity)
  • antibiotic (possible contamination)

February 2023

  • eye drops (contamination)
  • eye ointment (contamination)
  • male enhancement supplement (contamination)
  • hand sanitizer (contamination)
  • thyroid medication (potency)

January 2023

  • sunscreen spray (contamination)

December 2022

  • burn cream (contamination)
  • blood pressure/heart failure medication (contamination)

November 2022

  • hand sanitizer (contamination)

October 2022

  • blood pressure medication (impurity)
  • blood pressure and blood thinner medications (labeling error)

September 2022

  • oral health products (storage violations)
  • hand sanitizer (contamination)
  • male enhancement supplements (contamination)
  • blood pressure and blood thinner medications (labeling error)

August 2022

  • male enhancement supplements (contamination)
  • stomach remedies (contamination)
  • laxatives (possible contamination)

July 2022

  • hundreds of over-the-counter products (storage violations)
  • sunscreen spray (contamination)
  • laxatives (possible contamination)
  • male enhancement supplements (contamination)
  • insulin injector pens (missing labels)

June 2022

  • male enhancement supplement (contamination)
  • laxative (contamination)
  • nasal spray (contamination)
  • stomach remedies (contamination)
  • arthritis remedy (contamination)
  • children's allergy treatment (contamination)
  • opiate medication (incorrect labeling)

May 2022

  • anagrelide (defective capsules)
  • flavor enhancer (contamination)

April 2022

  • hand sanitizers (contamination)
  • male enhancement supplement (contamination)
  • insulin (missing label)
  • blood pressure medication (contamination)

March 2022

  • hand sanitizer (contamination)
  • multiple products (contamination)
  • personal hygiene products (contamination)
  • blood pressure medication (contamination)
  • injectable compounded medicines
  • epinephrine (syringe malfunction)
  • muscle relaxant (contamination)

February 2022

  • male enhancement supplements (contamination)
  • multiple products (warehouse contamination)
  • personal hygiene products (contamination)

January 2022

  • natural laxative (contamination)
  • male enhancement supplement (contamination)
  • wound care gel (contamination)
  • insulin injector pen (labeling)

December 2021

  • cold/flu remedy
  • steroid ointment
  • metformin, extended-release
  • heart medication
  • multiple medications prepared by a specific compounding pharmacy
  • blood thinner

November 2021

  • hand sanitizer (packaging)
  • foot care products (contamination)
  • personal hygiene products (contamination)

October 2021

  • hand sanitizer (contamination)
  • antifungal sprays (possible contamination)
  • pain reliever (incorrect dose)
  • blood pressure medication (possible contamination)

September 2021

  • amifampridine (contamination)
  • Chantix (contamination)

August 2021

  • weight-loss supplement (contamination)
  • atovaquone (temperature control)
  • Chantix (contamination)

July 2021

  • hand sanitizer (packaging)
  • sunscreens (contamination)
  • Chantix (contamination)

June 2021

  • hand sanitizer packaging
  • metformin, extended-release

May 2021

  • hand sanitizer (bacterial contamination)
  • hand sanitizer (contamination with other substances)
  • male enhancement supplements
  • dietary supplements

April 2021

  • hand sanitizer (bacterial contamination)
  • hand sanitizer (contamination with other substances)
  • male enhancement supplements
  • acetaminophen
  • guanfacine
  • thyroid medication

March 2021

  • hand sanitizer (packaging)
  • hand sanitizer (contamination)
  • male enhancement supplements
  • spironolactone
  • telmisartan

February 2021

  • dietary supplements
  • blood thinner
  • pulse oximeters

January 2021

  • rubbing alcohol
  • oral rinse
  • hand sanitizers (countrywide alert)
  • metformin, extended-release

December 2020

  • skin treatments for breastfeeding and infants
  • topical anesthetic
  • hand sanitizer
  • oral rinse
  • medication mix-up
  • blood thinner

November 2020

  • nutritional supplement
  • "immune booster"
  • oral rinse
  • metformin, extended-release

October 2020

  • skin salves or creams
  • hand sanitizer packaging
  • oral rinse
  • metformin, extended-release
  • NSAIDs during pregnancy

September 2020

  • male enhancement pills
  • hand sanitizers
  • thyroid medicines
  • metformin, extended-release
  • labels on benzodiazepines

August 2020

  • hand sanitizers
  • goldenseal root powder
  • nasal spray medications
  • metformin, extended-release

July 2020

  • hand sanitizers
  • CBD oil
  • hemp oil
  • metformin, extended-release


As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of last review or update on all articles.

No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

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